Relationship Boosters2022-09-01T16:19:04-05:00

Pain & Christian Marriage

By Jason Helopoulos Marriage is hard work and can be painful. And being a Christian couple does not somehow make it easy or take away the prospect of hurt. Whether we are atheists or Christians, we are still sinners living under the same roof and that can make for tight quarters. It is a reality that those we love the [...]

By |December 1, 2012|Help & Healing, Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Ten Secrets to a Successful Marriage

Here are ten principles that will help you create and maintain a successful marriage. loan company bad credit by Mitch Temple Successful couples are savvy. They read books, attend seminars, browse Web articles and observe other successful couples. However, successful couples will tell you that they also learn by experience – trial and error. Here are ten principles of success [...]

By |November 1, 2012|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Why is my spouse so different from me? Part 2

Last month we began exploring why God seems to connect men and women who are very different from each other and bring them together in marriage. I suggested that God has a purpose in this (and it's not just for His amusement). We acknowledged that opposites do attract, which contributes to 50% of all divorces occurring in the first 7 [...]

By |September 1, 2012|Marriage Enrichment, Real Life|0 Comments

Why is my spouse so different from me?

If you're married, chances are your spouse is very different from you. I'm not talking you like vanilla ice cream and your spouse likes chocolate. I'm talking fundamental core differences. You are an introvert, but she is the life of the party. You are a tightwad, I mean saver, and he doesn't give a second thought to spending thousands of [...]

By |August 1, 2012|Marriage Enrichment, Real Life|0 Comments

Principle 7: Creating Shared Meaning

We have finally reached the end of our series. This month we talk about Dr. Gottman’s 7th Principle for Making Marriage Work—Creating Shared Meaning. If your marriage is incorporating the first six principles, there’s a good chance your relationship is stable and happy. But you still may find yourself asking, “Is that all there is?” Marriage isn’t just about raising [...]

By |July 1, 2012|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

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