Relationship Boosters2022-09-01T16:19:04-05:00

Fresh Starts & New Beginnings

Spring seems to be just around the corner. Last weekend, here in Colorado Springs we were in the '60s and the birds were singing their songs to announce that Winter's hold is coming to an end and the new birth of Spring is nearly upon us. Alas, in Colorado Springs that is only partly true. Here, we [...]

A Groundhog Day Marriage

In case you weren't aware, today is Groundhog Day. If you've ever seen the movie "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray, you know that he is a TV weather reporter covering the Groundhog Day festivities in Punxsutawney, PA. The problem is, every day he wakes up, he finds himself re-living the same day over and over again. Maybe you've felt [...]

By |February 1, 2023|Love & Relationships, Marriage Enrichment, Real Life|0 Comments

Working Together as a Team

Happy New Year! For many, the start of a new year holds the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings—a chance to hit the reset button, to get a do-over. Resolutions are sincerely made but seldom kept. Old patterns find their way back into our routines. The best of intentions get sidelined by the challenges and busyness of life. [...]

By |January 1, 2023|Marriage & Parenting|0 Comments

Resolving Your Conflicts

Last month we talked about developing and maintaining healthy communication as you parent your kids. The skills you learn to communicate in respectful, honoring ways will come in handy when you need to resolve your conflicts. Healthy communication and conflict resolution are really two sides of the same coin. They work together to create a marriage of love, trust, [...]

By |December 1, 2022|Conflict Resolution, Help & Healing, Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Healthy Communication

As we continue looking at building and maintaining a healthy, connected marriage relationship when raising a family, this month we look at developing and maintaining healthy communication with our spouse. You often hear people saying “having good communication is important in your marriage relationship”. But what does that mean exactly? After all, there are many aspects to [...]

By |November 1, 2022|Communication, Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

What’s Your Priority?

This month we continue looking at building and maintaining a healthy, connected marriage relationship when raising a family as we examine the topic of priorities. One of the most common enemies of marital harmony—especially when we are parents—is misaligned priorities. It’s so easy to spend so much time and energy raising our kids that we don’t even [...]

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