Relationship Boosters2022-09-01T16:19:04-05:00

Sticking Out Your Neck

This month we begin looking at Commitment 3: We will work together to build a sturdy bond of trust. What is this thing called trust that is so essential to any good, sturdy, and healthy relationship? We are going to examine what trust is, what it looks like in a relationship, and—through some questions—reflect on our own relationship to see [...]

Planting Seeds

This month we finish our examination of Commitment 2: We will make growth and change our daily agenda. Last time, we examined our marriages, searching for those little thoughts, attitudes, and actions that you must say no to. We will now consider the things we must say yes to, and in so doing give them room to shape our marriage. [...]

By |January 1, 2015|Communication, Conflict Resolution, Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Pulling Weeds

This month we begin to look at Commitment 2: We will make growth and change our daily agenda. Marriage really is just a long-term exercise in gardening. If you’ve done any gardening you know there simply aren’t any shortcuts. Gardens begin with hard work. Clearing and tilling the land isn’t fun, but it’s essential. Digging holes for the seeds isn’t [...]

Canceling Debts

This month we continue to look at Commitment 1: We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness. Last month we talked about confession. This month we will focus on forgiveness. There is perhaps no other ingredient as essential to a healthy marriage than forgiveness. Yet forgiveness is not always attractive. Forgiveness is difficult and costly. It [...]

Coming Clean: Confession

This month we will begin examining the daily commitments to live a lifestyle of reconciliation. When practiced, these commitments become daily habits that form the kind of marriage that God's design intended and His grace can make possible. Commitment 1: We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness. This month, we will be looking at having [...]

By |September 1, 2014|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

6 daily commitments of a healthy marriage

You can have a marriage that is mutually satisfying while being honoring to God. You really can! Accepting who you are, resting in who God is, and living as he calls you to live will produce a harvest that is far better than the small-vision dreams that you are able to come up with on your own. We continue this [...]

By |August 1, 2014|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

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